Pulsed-Light Photo Rejuvenation

If you live with unwanted hair, sunspots, spider veins, rosacea, and scars, you may be surprised to find out that these conditions can all be treated with the same light-based technology.

During treatments, filtered light is directed onto the skin and absorbed by the melanin in hair or pigmented lesions and the blood in visible vessels. The light heats the pigment and disables the hair follicles and the cells that produce the pigment. In the case of vessels, the light is absorbed by the hemoglobin within the veins, causing them to shrink and fade from view.

We have chosen to use the Palomar StarLux, 500series, which is one of the newest, safest, most effective machines on the market. It cools the skin as it treats, and works by using light waves instead of a laser, which allows for its increased safety and efficacy. Most patients describe the light pulses as a ?snapping? sensation, which causes mild discomfort at most. After the treatment, there may be some redness for a day or two, but that quickly fades. Unlike other methods of skin rejuvenation and hair removal, there is no down-time, and no restrictions after the treatment. Many patients find that they can have a treatment over their lunch-break, then return to work without anyone noticing they had anything done.

Photofacials & Pigmented Lesions

We use the Palomar RejuveLux® Photofacial process for the treatment of pigmented and vascular lesions on the face, as well as the arms, chest, and hands, where sunspots really give away your age. With this process, we are able to clear sunspots, rosacea, telangiectasias (tiny blood vessels), and other conditions, in order to balance and improve skin tone. As a result, you will notice a more youthful, fresh appearance to your face and other areas.

Treating a pigmented lesion with the pulsed light results in heating the melanin. These dead cells are then naturally shed by the body after about two weeks, leaving behind fresh, unblemished skin. In the case of vessels, the light is absorbed by the hemoglobin within the veins, causing them to shrink and fade from view, almost immediately.


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Vascular Lesions

Small and medium-sized broken blood vessels are typically associated with sun-damaged skin, and can be effectively treated. In most cases, you will be thrilled to see those vessels gone immediately after your treatment.

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Our system has the ability to treat hypertrophic and keloid scars by collapsing the surface vessels which cause redness. Once those vessels are collapsed, the scar lightens significantly in appearance.

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