Pulsed-Light Hair Removal

If you live with unwanted hair, sunspots, spider veins, rosacea, and scars, you may be surprised to find out that these conditions can all be treated with the same light-based technology.

During treatments, filtered light is directed onto the skin and absorbed by the melanin in hair or pigmented lesions and the blood in visible vessels. The light heats the pigment and disables the hair follicles and the cells that produce the pigment. In the case of vessels, the light is absorbed by the hemoglobin within the veins, causing them to shrink and fade from view.

We have chosen to use the Palomar StarLux, 500series, which is one of the newest, safest, most effective machines on the market. It cools the skin as it treats, and works by using light waves instead of a laser, which allows for its increased safety and efficacy. Most patients describe the light pulses as a ?snapping? sensation, which causes mild discomfort at most. After the treatment, there may be some redness for a day or two, but that quickly fades. Unlike other methods of skin rejuvenation and hair removal, there is no down-time, and no restrictions after the treatment. Many patients find that they can have a treatment over their lunch-break, then return to work without anyone noticing they had anything done.

Permanent Hair Reduction and Removal

If you live with unwanted hair on your upper lip, chin, under arms, bikini area, back, legs, or other areas, you may find permanent relief to your problem through pulsed light hair removal.

After just 4-6 treatments, you may enjoy freedom from bleaching, shaving, waxing, and electrolysis.

Pulsed Light hair removal works by emitting pulses of intense light into the hair follicles. The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and converted to heat. The heat then loosens the hair and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair. This system gives rapid hair reduction with less discomfort and less treatment time than pre-existing products, and is safer due to the use of light instead of laser. It is also FDA approved for treatment of all skin types, including Fitzpatrick Types 5 and 6.

Upper Lip

Under Arm
